It’s time to think about an end of year audit

As the year draws to a close, the holiday season isn’t the only thing we should be preparing for. It’s the perfect time to conduct an employee communications audit.

The year in review

Before we get into detail, let’s acknowledge the year we’ve just had. It’s no secret that the workplace landscape has undergone seismic shifts, thanks to a global pandemic and rapid growth in technology. Remote and hybrid working is the new norm, and video calls have become our conduit for connection. We’re dealing with a cost-of-living crisis and times have been tough for many of us. In this backdrop, effective communication has become more crucial than ever before.

So how have you been communicating your total reward package this year? Have you successfully shared the value of it? Do employees feel appreciated because of effective reward communications?

If you don’t have the answers, then conducting an audit will help you to test the waters. It will give you the insights you need to make communications count in 2024.

Build a communications ecosystem

Employee communication isn’t just emails and newsletters. It should be a clever network that includes video, intranet, social media, storytelling, branding, in-person updates and printed material. Every interaction contributes to the overall communication experience.

Your end of year audit should pose some questions. What worked well? What could you introduce next year to strengthen your communication efforts?

Listen closely

To get a true reflection of what’s working well and what isn’t, you need to listen to your employees. Encourage anonymous feedback so employees can express themselves freely. Their insights are gold and will help you to strategically move forward.

Remember that when employees are invested in the process, the outcomes are often more aligned with their needs and expectations.

Qualitative methods

  • Hold focus groups with a cross-section of engaged and disengaged employees
  • Conduct in-person interviews

Quantitative methods

  • Conduct pulse surveys
  • Gather data from online and offline channels
  • Content analysis

Tech and tools

The tools and platforms you use for communication are as important as the content itself. In your end of year audit, think about the technology you use. Has anything changed over the year? Did you introduce new tools or retire old ones? Technology can significantly influence how employees perceive and engage with communication.

Make their total reward journey easy. Consider launching a microsite where you can branch off to different topics. Keep your pension, share plan, and benefits info under one roof.

Don’t reinvent the wheel

If something worked well this year, repeat it! And if you’re stuck for inspiration, try some of these ideas to engage your people.

  • Use a QR code on a coffee cup instead of an email to get people signing up to your share plan
  • Release a quick total reward booklet (hard copies and digital) rather than sending an overwhelming email
  • Bring storytelling and case studies to life through video animation
  • Try adding new interactive tools on your intranet or microsite

Your 2024 roadmap

An end of year audit isn’t just about collecting data; it’s about turning those findings into actionable insights. Think of it as a roadmap for the year ahead. Use what you’ve learned to fine-tune your communication strategies and ultimately improve your output.

With the rapid pace of change in technology, there are bound to be emerging trends. AI has already made a huge impact on the way we all communicate and do business, so be prepared to adapt. By taking this proactive approach, you can ensure that your total reward communication remains relevant.

If you need help auditing and analysing your total reward communications, get in touch.

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